Saturday, March 13, 2010

When good agility judges go bad (for charity)

Many agility enthusiasts have probably already seen these video links circulating on email lists, but I thought they were worth posting. At the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America's agility trial in Murfreesboro, TN on March 5-7 a special fund-raising event took place to benefit Chase Away K9 Cancer.

The judges for the weekend were Scott Stock and Blair Kelly (one of my favorites). Scott made a challenge that if $500 was raised by the exhibitors, he would run the Excellent Standard Course as if he were the dog. He also challenged Joel Lavalley (one of my favorite competitors) to run the course if $1,000 was raised. Blair Kelly, known for his white pants, challenged that if $2,000 was raised, he would run the course as well (in his white pants)!

I understand that more than $4,000 was raised over the weekend, and the resulting videos are hilarious! Boy I wish I was there! It's a good thing agility folks are always armed with video cameras, because we can all enjoy it!

Scott Stock expertly handled by Gene in his souped-up wheelchair:

Joel Lavelley handled by his wife Jean:

Blair Kelly handled by 4-year-old Lauren Denereaz (you will see that Blair followed all AKC rules by coming into the ring on leash!):

And Stacy Moss (another of my favorite competitors) of the GSPCA who was the chief fundrasier also ran the course, handled by Jamie Herrin with a dislocated elbow (I heard Stacy "won" the competition!):


Kathy said...

These are hilarious!

Kathy said...

Oh, and I love the phrasing:
"Joe Lavalley handled by his wife Jean" just sounds so funny!

Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

I LOVE them! Thanks so much for posting, they made my day!