Sunday, August 16, 2009

Page is 6 months old!!

Tomorrow Page turns 6 months old. I cannot believe how fast she's growing and what an amazingly talented pup she already is. Sometimes I can't believe she's only 6 months old because of the way she problems solves and learns. I'm very lucky to have this girlie as my partner.

I must also admit I've taken my share of grief for calling her a coyote. Thank you to all the folks who have said, "Well of course she's a Golden Retriever! It's obvious!" Dr. Bonnie pointed out this weekend that Devon never really "fell apart" as she was growing up. Devon looked like an awkward puppy at various times, but she was never quite as bad as Page is now!

This weekend I'm starting to see signs of her growing out of this ultra skinny sight hound phase - at least I think I am! Here's some video I took to try and make the "flat" photos come alive.

And it really doesn't matter how goofy she looks. I love her anyway! She's NOT going back to New York! Sorry guys!


Kathy said...

You know what that means? It won't be long until she's a year old! Where does the time go?

Kathy said...


Page is adorable :-) I can remember when Casey was a pup and he went thru this really odd stage where he had no feathers on his tail... just hair growing on the tip of his tail!!??? LOL!! I kept thinking oh what is he going to look like and he ended up growing into a beautiful Golden and with a beautiful tail :-) Some of these puppy stages are very interesting! LOL!!!
I got a kick out of Devon just laying there watching!