Monday, August 24, 2009

Off topic: Squirrels and tomatoes

Ok, so I've decided to start posting about random things I think are funny or inspirational or just worth noting. Here's the first of such posts, and it's about living in the country.

This morning on my way to exercise class, I saw a huge table at the side of the road next to someone's driveway covered with tomatoes. There was a big sign on one side of the table that read "FREE TOMATOES." I stopped on the way home, and these nice people even had a large bag filled with plastic grocery bags so we could take as many as we wanted. There had to be more than 100 tomatoes on that table, and all in good shape.

What nice people to share in their bounty! Personally, I can't keep anything green alive ... ok, my yard looks pretty good, but someone else takes care of that. The weeds in my fence rows are healthy until the dogs start ripping them down ... I'm in charge of that. Anyway, I'm thankful for these nice neighbors and their yummy tomatoes.

And now onto squirrels. On my way back from exercise class, I saw a squirrel bounce across the road and pause at the side of the road. As I got closer, I saw something yellow in his mouth. The stinker had been across the road in the corn field picking an ear of corn for himself! The industrious rodent had an entire ear of corn in his mouth taking it back across the road to the woods. I think maybe we're closer to fall than we suspect!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I love garden tomatoes. I'm surprised our neighbor hasn't brought any over. I'm glad you were able to get some. Between work, biking, and dog training, there's really no time to plant and tend a garden.