Thursday, September 3, 2009

Some tracking for Page

Page has done the tracking circuit in the last week. She ran a really nice VST track earlier in the week. It had an interesting angle up onto the sidewalk by the building that made her work hard. She does love to check out entrances to buildings. It's funny how some dogs always do things and others don't. Devon absolutely has to check out every drain. Page will ignore drains, but cover every inch of a building entry!

Page also ran a blind TDX track with changes of cover and three obstacles aged about 4 hours. Steve laid it for me and asked if I wanted my turns marked. While I was tempted to say yes, I realized we'll be testing within a month and I should be running some blind tracks.

I'm glad I told him a blind track, because it was good for me to trust her. She did an amazing job on this track, crossing two roads and a creek. I'm glad she's a precision tracker, and this time she indicated all but one of her articles. That's still her only weakness!

Finally mid-week I gave Page a TD track. It was aged 1 hour and 40 minutes, so it was still legal TD range. I'm glad Page is still small enough for me to be able to slow her down as she tracks. If she gets much heavier, she's going to be able to drag me down on a track! Page easily handled this track and indicated the two articles I had on the track. Maybe there's hope for articles yet!

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