Sunday, April 26, 2009

The unstoppable Ms. P

I don't think puppyhood is easy for anyone (ask Ian). But it also comes with some really funny moments. Here are some of Page's top "make me laugh" moments:
When she flipped her stuffed toy up in the air and it went behind a coffee table out of her sight. She just flicked her head all the way around like, "Hey! Where'd my toy go? It was right here a second ago!"
When she flipped her stuffed toy up onto the daybed right next to Connor. She then calmly approached Connor and sat looking up at him like, "Ummm, excuse me. Can I have my toy back?" He looked down on her with all of his 9 year old regal-ness, then turned at looked at the toy, then back at her as if to say, "You mean this toy little girl?"
When Connor took her toy (all toys are Connor's), then he roared in triumph as he walked away from her. The look on Page's face said, "Mean cream Golden." Oh she got him back. She very politely walked up and took hold of it, then let go when he flicked his lip. When he laid down to bask in his "win," quick as a flash she sprang in, grabbed the toy and was across the room before he could blink! I think I know who really won that round...
When I suddenly "lost" her today and went to the bottom of the stairs and called up, "Page?" After a second, she emerged from the bonus room to the top of the stairs and looked down at me saying, "Yes? Do you want me?" Hummmm... guess we need that baby gate at the foot of the stairs again.
When she realized the house leash attached to me was curbing her freedom (even though she had full access to all the toys in the room). She confidently walked up to me, grabbed the leash just below where it was attached to me and started tugging for her freedom.
When she picked up her long line from the deck and sailed back out into the yard with the line flying behind her ... I'm not introducing her to toilet paper, or she'll TP my house like Connor did as a puppy!
When she calmly picks up the end of her house leash and trots into the living room to play. She's taking herself for a walk!
When she "follows" Ian around the downstairs ... she's not allowed to "chase" the black dog, but surely "following" at a walk wouldn't hurt, right?
When she watches the videos on You Tube as she's sitting on my lap as I'm at the computer. Her favorite are videos of herself (does that surprise anyone??).


Kathy said...

Emma was such a perfect angel, I feel like I somehow missed puppyhood with her. I bet I'll get payback with the next one!

Hang in there, and enjoy the ride!

Deb said...

Yeah, Devon was pretty close to perfect, too. Page isn't really bad, she's just busy. She's no where near what Reece was in energy level, though!