This particular tracking spot is a favorite, because it has at least knee high cover with grass and bushes, trees and a mowed path to cross. Page's track today was a total of 270 yards, and it was aged about 15 minutes. This is by far the longest track Page has ever done; her last longest track was 150 yards.
The start was on short grass and immediately into cover. This leg ran 76 yards and went between bushes higher than my head. I took a left turn and went 62 yards through more cover and crossed a short mowed path back into cover for a right turn. After the right turn we had a short leg of 50 yards through cover that had small to medium sized sticks under the grass. After another right turn, we went 82 yards to the glove but not before crossing that mowed path again.
Just for grins, I took the video camera again. I'm REALLY glad I had the camera to get this track, because Page did a super job! She was at least 10 ft. and usually more than that in front of me. She worked the turns very well. The mowed path did cause her problems, but the second time she did it she did a wonderful job of working it out.
She struggled on her second turn which was close to a deer trail, but again she worked this out nicely, too. At one point you can actually hear her sniffing as she worked out this turn.
I realized after the VST track on Monday that Page didn't need food on grass. On Wednesday when we tracked in high cover, I only used food drops on the turns. Yesterday Steve told me he also didn't think she needed food drops on veg but still needed one or two on the non-veg. Today I couldn't help myself and still put food drops on her turns. She only saw them on the second turn, and clearly they were a distraction as she was working out her problems. She knows her job, and she doesn't need food anymore!
Here is the video of her first TDX track. Just like the last time, you don't get to see the start because that's too hard for me to tape. In many places you can see the faint line of the track. You can also occasionally see my orange trail markers where I marked turns and entrances back into cover. I had to work the tracking line a couple of times, so the video takes a couple of wild rides; but all in all I think it was really fun to tape this track. I do add some commentary, so I hope you enjoy it!
I have to say my favorite part of watching Page track is when she finds her article. Her tail wags fast and furious, and she's volunteering a down on the article. What a good little girlie!
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