Monday, October 27, 2008


Devon has been going to agility trials since she was 15 weeks old. However, this was the first weekend where she threw a royal fit when I took the boys out to run. She usually protests, but this weekend it was a demand for her turn to play! She was likely doubly displeased when tracking buddies Zoe (Golden) and Sage (Weim) who were crated next to us got their time out to play agility – and she didn’t! I did get her out on Saturday for obedience practice. I thought we’d do more obedience on Sunday, but she was so demanding, I took her to the practice jump and did some one jump work instead. I told her I was very proud of her training progress; but when she could do the teeter at new locations, she could play agility. Frankly, she’s ahead of where I was hoping she’d be at this point. The only thing holding her back now is the teeter, and she’s showing great progress on that. I’m looking forward to our first trial run in December’s CPE trial.

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