Sunday, February 15, 2009

Agility Club of Indianapolis Trial, Ian's Sunday Runs

I can't remember a time when Ian was so fast and so accurate. Incredibly, Ian had another perfect weekend, double Qing today with two 4th places. 

Excellent JWW
This was a beautiful run. Every cross was perfect and his weaves were incredible. 

Excellent Standard
The Standard course was a typical twisty, turny AKC course (not Annette's usual smooth flowing courses). Ian earned less MACH points on this one and weaved more slowly. However, what you cannot see on the video is the chute staring the dogs right in the face as they came through the weaves. The chute was an off course, and it sucked in easily half the dogs in Excellent and I'd guess 90% of the open dogs. Ian was a champ and didn't even look at it.

However, after four clean runs on the weekend with placements, I was a bad mom at the end of the standard run. I was turning towards Ian and unknown to me, he was jumping up towards me for a hug. I accidentally caught him right across the face with the back of my hand in a karate chop! His jaw slammed together so hard, my friends heard it across the building! Poor Ian! You can see it just barely on the end of the video clip as his head goes jerking back! Thankfully, he forgave me pretty quickly!

On a final note, I have to comment on Ian's attitude this weekend. It was really great. He was happy and tail wagging all weekend. He didn't really spook or shy at any one or any dog. He went up to most everyone who spoke to him. For him, he was incredibly relaxed. And there were lots of intact male dogs running in 24 inches with us, and the holding area was quite small. Ian even wagged and put his head in AKC Rep Diane Craig's outstretched hand! 

And I'd like to publicly comment that Diane is a classy dog person. I watched her measure dogs yesterday, and she was so very good with each dog and each individual. She relaxed the dogs, speaking kindly to them and made them comfortable; and she gently instructed the handlers. When she talked with Ian, he knew right away she was a genuine dog person. I think we're fortunate she's in our area as an agility rep.

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