Saturday, March 7, 2009

2x2 training day 2

I slept in this morning (hey, it's Saturday), so I only have time for one session. I again took my session outside, but put the poles in a different location than yesterday. My reward line was going in a different direction, but it was not going in the opposite direction as it was yesterday. I moved the poles to the 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. position, and I had a nice fir tree to mark my reward line. In three sessions, I have now been trained to make my reward line markers very big so I can see them from all the entry arc angles. 

Devon did amazing again! She was 100% on her entries and only started to keep the toy and roll over once after attempt #4. She immediately returned to me, though. She was also more drivey than yesterday and handled the restraint into the collar very well. I got some nice pull toward the weaves before I released her. I did a good job of letting her see the poles before I released her, versus just turning her and flinging her toward the poles.

Devon nailed some very tough entries. I went very low on the sides of the entry arc to challenge her. She did great and really sought out her entries, including the right side wrap of the first pole. I'm especially focusing on this entry since that's where I first started seeing her confusion when she began to enter with the first pole on the right. 

Because she was so successful with very tough entries from the right and left as well as in the low challenge entry area, I stopped after 8 attempts. I think it's time to add the second set of 2 poles. 

Tomorrow we're supposed to have thunderstorms and she has an appointment with Dr. Bonnie, so no weave training tomorrow. Now we're off to meet the Ripleys and Terrie to plot and run VST tracks. Hey Angela, these are the tracks for your seminar next week -- hope you enjoy them!


Kathy said...

"fur" tree? LOL! Fir tree!

Deb said...

Ha ha!The things that happen when you're in a hurry! ;-)

Unknown said...

I am so excited about the seminar! Are you one of the assitants??

Blessings~ Angela and the aussie flock